How a drug addict behaves

How a drug addict behaves

Drug addiction has different phases that involve some kind of physical, mental, emotional or social deterioration, in that sense, we are going to point out in this post some of the behaviors that addicts manifest, so that you can detect how a person who is on drugs behaves.


Contrary to what you might think, alcohol is not a stimulant, alcohol is a central nervous system depressant that causes a drop in blood pressure and accelerates the heartbeat. Small amounts usually calm people down.

Other people become excited, probably because alcohol suppresses the mechanisms that normally control active behavior, so that they lose inhibitions and behave exaggeratedly; they are sociable, groggy, or aggressive.

For most people, large quantities of alcohol produce a dulling effect, obfuscating sensations, impairing judgment, memory and muscular coordination, and finally producing a state of unconsciousness.


  • Reddened eyes and dry mouth and throat.
  • Altered sense of time, thinks minutes seem like hours and vice versa.
  • Impaired ability to perform work that requires concentration, coordination and quick reactions.
  • Mood changes often, sometimes to euphoria, sometimes to melancholy or to a state of emotional indifference.
  • They manifest that colors appear more vivid, that music is heard more clearly or that physical sensations are perceived more intensely.
  • Their short-term memory is affected.
  • Depending on the quantity and quality of the marijuana and the psychological state of the smoker, the result can be confusion, anxiety and delirium (Relman, 1982).


  • They feel that the heartbeat is accelerated, that it beats more strongly and sometimes irregularly.
  • People who take them have a tendency to talk a lot, to be energetic, alert and in a good mood, little interested in sleeping and very interested in sexual activity.
  • Weight loss and malnutrition are observed
  • They complain of muscle and joint pain.
  • They fall in a state of unconsciousness and feeling of paralysis.
  • Amphetamine psychosis: they present paranoia, hallucinations and inability to recognize familiar faces.
  • Violence and aggressiveness, especially during the depression that so often follows euphoria.


  • Feeling of euphoria and enthusiasm.
  • Increased temperature and blood pressure
  • Dilated pupils
  • Decreased appetite
  • The user usually feels strong, energetic and optimistic.
  • Inhibitions disappear and perception may be altered.
  • Hallucinations that can lead to paranoia, panic attacks, anxiety, depression, impotence and insomnia.
  • A cocaine user can be dangerous to others.

Barbiturates and other sedatives

  • Impaired memory and judgment.
  • They lead to coma and even death.
  • Their withdrawal can become a frightening experience, during which the addict suffers tremors, nausea, cramps, vomiting, hallucinations and a distorted sense of time and space.
  • Hallucinogens or Psychedelics
  • They suffer from chills, nausea, tremors and heart palpitations.
  • They bring to mind, in an unexpected way, images forgotten since a long time ago.
  • Euphoria or panic.
  • It elevates your mood, stimulates and increases the sensitivity.
  • Memory and speech problems.
  • Depressions, anxiety, paranoia, violence, hallucinations, depersonalization, incoordination, body numbness, psychosis, and even death.

Heroin and other narcotics

  • Euphoric, peaceful, content, happy, safe, away from any danger or challenge.
  • Breathing slower and shallower, pupils constricted.
  • Intense itching, nausea and vomiting appear.
  • Withdrawal discomforts such as excessive sweating, tremors, vomiting, mucus and watery eyes, chills, muscle aches, stomach aches and diarrhea.


A drug is a chemical substance that produces physical, mental, emotional and/or behavioral changes in the person who uses it. Psychoactive drugs alter the mind. A person who uses a drug because he/she is unable or afraid to stop using is a drug addict.

If you believe that you or someone in your family is using drugs, do not hesitate to contact the services of Biomagna Pro, the only natural treatment that teaches the body how to heal itself.

Biomagna Pro is a device for the treatment of different types of addictions, which works through the emission of electromagnetic waves, which are the language of the brain, that balance and alleviate the anxiety that drug use produces in the human brain.

The continuous use of Biomagna Pro helps the brain to normalize the levels of dopamine that provide the patient with a sense of well-being, which suppresses the need to consume substances.


Desde el año 2000, Biomagna Pro Ⓡ se ha comprometido a brindar atención a pacientes con problemas de salud mental, con un historial de tratamiento de más de 30.000 pacientes con trastornos de adicción, ansiedad y pánico.

El CEO de Biomagna es el Dr. Norberto Palavecino, cirujano de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina, y especialista en cardiología con 43 años de experiencia en adicciones, ansiedad y trastornos de pánico. Cuenta con el respaldo de un equipo de médicos especialistas con amplia experiencia y resultados comprobados.

Nuestra GARANTÍA es nuestro compromiso con tu salud, bienestar y calidad de vida.
Para conseguirlo es imprescindible seguir estrictamente las instrucciones, siguiendo el protocolo de uso adaptado a cada caso. Esto incluye cumplir con el número establecido de sesiones diarias, asistir a grupos de apoyo psicológico y consultas médicas. Cumplir el protocolo asegura el resultado.

El uso de Biomagna Pro Ⓡ queda registrado permanentemente en la aplicación, lo que nos permite evaluar el compromiso del paciente con la terapia. El resultado depende tanto de ti como de nosotros. Si sigues el protocolo de uso el resultado sólo puede ser positivo, y esa es nuestra GARANTÍA.

Biomagna LLC tiene su sede en los Estados Unidos.

El dispositivo Biomagna Pro Ⓡ es fabricado por ABP Electronics y cumple con todos los estándares de calidad globales requeridos.

La terapia está libre de efectos secundarios y apoya la estabilidad emocional del paciente.

Esperamos que disfrutes de la experiencia Biomagna Pro Ⓡ.


Desde 2000, a Biomagna Pro Ⓡ tem o compromisso de prestar atendimento a pacientes com problemas de saúde mental, com um histórico de tratamento de mais de 30.000 pacientes com dependência, ansiedade e transtornos de pânico.

O CEO da Biomagna é o Dr. Norberto Palavecino, cirurgião da Universidade Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina, especialista em cardiologia com 43 anos de experiência em dependências, ansiedade e transtornos de pânico. Ele é apoiado por uma equipe de médicos especialistas com vasta experiência e resultados comprovados.

Nossa GARANTIA é o nosso compromisso com sua saúde, bem-estar e qualidade de vida.
Para isso é imprescindível seguir rigorosamente as instruções, seguindo o protocolo de uso adaptado a cada caso. Isto inclui cumprir o número estabelecido de sessões diárias, frequentar grupos de apoio psicológico e consultas médicas. O cumprimento do protocolo garante o resultado.

A utilização do Biomagna Pro Ⓡ fica permanentemente registrada no aplicativo, o que nos permite avaliar o comprometimento do paciente com a terapia. O resultado depende tanto de você quanto de nós. Se seguir o protocolo de uso o resultado só poderá ser positivo, e essa é a nossa GARANTIA.

A Biomagna LLC está sediada nos Estados Unidos.

O dispositivo Biomagna Pro Ⓡ é fabricado pela ABP Electronics, atendendo a todos os padrões de qualidade globais exigidos.

A terapia é livre de efeitos colaterais e apoia a estabilidade emocional do paciente.

Esperamos que você aproveite a experiência do Biomagna Pro Ⓡ.


Since 2000, Biomagna Pro Ⓡ has been committed to providing care to patients with mental health issues, with a history of treating over 30,000 patients with addiction, anxiety and panic disorders.

The CEO of Biomagna is Dr. Norberto Palavecino, a surgeon from the National University of Córdoba, Argentina, and a specialist in cardiology with 43 years of experience in addictions, anxiety and panic disorders. He is supported by a team of specialist doctors with extensive experience and proven results.

Our GUARANTEE is our commitment to your health, well-being and quality of life.
To achieve this, it is essential to strictly follow the instructions, following the protocol of use adapted to each case. This includes meeting the established number of daily sessions, attending psychological support groups and medical consultations. Complying with the protocol ensures the result.

The use of Biomagna Pro Ⓡ is permanently recorded in the application, which allows us to evaluate the patient’s commitment to the therapy. The result depends as much on you as it does on us. If you follow the protocol of use, the result can only be positive, and that is our GUARANTEE.

Biomagna LLC is based in the United States.

The Biomagna Pro Ⓡ device is manufactured by ABP Electronics, meeting all required global quality standards.

The therapy is free of side effects and supports the emotional stability of the patient.

We hope you enjoy the Biomagna Pro Ⓡ experience.